- 30 crayfish
- 3 qts of water
- 5 tablespoons of salt dill with heads.(Optional unless you're a Scandihoovian.)
"It is very important that every crayfish be alive before boiling. Wash thoroughly in cold water. Boil water, salt and dill 2-3 minutes, remove dill, then plunge crayfish into water. Cover and cook 6-7 minutes. Add more dill, cool in 'pot liquor' and keep in refrigerator before serving. Arrange on platter. Garnish with heads of dill."
That's it! How simple can it get? Note the amount of water in relation to the salt. This relationship is the most important part of a crayfish recipe. This is what makes the crayfish taste so good. Notice also that Swedish and Finnish recipes assume you eat the crayfish cold. But that's up to you. Most Americans eat them warm. However, I have found that crayfish always taste better if they have steeped in the brine for a few days. And that implies that they will be served cold.
If you want to modify the recipe, here's a rule of thumb about water and salt: For each gallon of water, add 1/2 cup of non-iodized salt. How many crayfish you add to the pot is not important as long as the pot doesn't overflow and the crayfish are covered by the water. To be extra fancy you might also consider adding a can of dark beer and maybe a sugar lump or two. (Not recommended by me in this age when we eat too much sugar anyway.)
That's it! How simple can it get? Note the amount of water in relation to the salt. This relationship is the most important part of a crayfish recipe. This is what makes the crayfish taste so good. Notice also that Swedish and Finnish recipes assume you eat the crayfish cold. But that's up to you. Most Americans eat them warm. However, I have found that crayfish always taste better if they have steeped in the brine for a few days. And that implies that they will be served cold.
If you want to modify the recipe, here's a rule of thumb about water and salt: For each gallon of water, add 1/2 cup of non-iodized salt. How many crayfish you add to the pot is not important as long as the pot doesn't overflow and the crayfish are covered by the water. To be extra fancy you might also consider adding a can of dark beer and maybe a sugar lump or two. (Not recommended by me in this age when we eat too much sugar anyway.)
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