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Minggu, November 30, 2008

How To Kill And Prepare For Cooking Live Lobster (Marron or Redclaw)

  1. Be very wary of the lobster’s claws during this process as they can inflict a very painful nip.
  2. Lobsters become inactive and easy to handle at low temperatures, so it is a good idea to place the lobster you want to cook in the freezer for a short time (about 15 minutes).
  3. Tightly tie claws together; lie, one lobster at a time, onto a carving board.
  4. Face lobster towards you and using a sharp knife pierce through the centre of the head about 1 inch behind the eyes. Lever the knife towards you until it has cut right through the head.
  5. Turn the lobster around and continue the cut from the head to the tail, completely halving the lobster.
  6. This method is said to be the most humane method of killing a lobster as it cuts right through the brain.
  7. Remove stomach and black vein (in tail).
  8. Rinse in cold water.
  9. The lobster is now ready to cook.


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