We, Lobsterku Crayfish Farm want to give you some limited e-Book "RED CLAW RECIPE" (only 100 copies) which contains a lot of Red Claw recipe from all offer the world. From France, United States of America, Sweden, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore etc.
How can you get this e-Book?
Please send your email to us at bisnis.lobster@gmail.com before end of December 2008, kindly explain to us:
- Your name:
- Your mailing address:
- Your contact number:
- Why do you interest on this Red Claw recipe?
REMEMBER, we only distribute 100 copies of this e-Book, so why you are not sending your email to Lobsterku Crayfish Farm right away?
Pesan satu ya pak.
pesan satu pak!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! alamt saya tian_elpro@yahoo.com
Apakah masih ada satu untuk buku resep lat-nya?
Saya mau duonggg..
Thank you..
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