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Rabu, Desember 17, 2008

Beef Tenderloin With Red Claw

125g black olives
50g anchovy fillets
50g salted capers (desalted)
2 cloves garlic
1.5 tblsp lemon juice
salt and pepper
25g basil leaves
125ml olive oil

Beef Marrow Dumpling
100g beef marrow
300g fresh breadcrumbs
3 small eggs
salt and pepper
1/4 tsp nutmeg
100ml cream
1 tblsp chopped parsley
1 tblsp chopped chives
2 tblsp chopped thyme

Tapenade - Blend together to a paste, gradually adding oil.

Beef Marrow Dumpling - Pass marrow through a sieve. Mix marrow with breadcrumbs, eggs and spices in a processor. Mix in cream. Fold in herbs.

Assembly Method
1. 150g of beef

2. 2 tblsp of tapenade
3. 75g marrow mixture
4. Salt and pepper
5. Fill the centre of beef fillet with red claw and garlic mixture.

Place tapenade at the ends of beef then wrap in marrow dumpling mixture, with cling film and foil nice and tightly in a cylinder shape.

Steam for 15 minutes, then rest for five minutes before serving.

Blend chicken stock with tomato concasse, add cream, froth with blender then, serve.

Blend chicken stock with cream then add watercress for last few seconds, serve.

Sliced dumplings on wilted greens with two sauces, garnish, serve.


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