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Sabtu, Desember 13, 2008

Barbecued Crayfish

  • 1 fresh medium sized crayfish
  • 1 fresh lemon
  • Salt
  • Freshly ground pepper
  • 1 teaspoon sherry *

  • Detach legs from crayfish, and steam these separately in lightly salted boiling water for 5 - 6 mins. Plunge into cold water until cool.
  • With a sharp knife, split the crayfish lengthwise along the belly, nose to tail. Then open up flat using the back as a hinge. If you have a fish broiler with handle, place the split crayfish, shell down into this.
  • Heat the BBQ up to high and place the crayfish shell down onto grille 3 - 6 cms from embers. Squeeze lemon and sprinkle seasoning and sherry over flesh, then close hood.
  • The legs can now be eaten as an entree while the main course is cooking.
  • Cook crayfish for about 5 - 6 mins per pound, or until the juices have evaporated and the flesh is slightly firm. Turn crayfish over and sear flesh for 1 min.
  • Serve on lettuce leaf/leaves, accompanied by tossed salad, and baked jacket potatoes, garnished with lemon and fresh avocado.

* If you're a bit more adventurous, replace sherry with Pernod


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